Welcome to our new website

Mammal Group Logo
We hope you like it and we welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have. 

We will be increasingly using the website to post updates, news, dates of forthcoming events and surveys, as well as future plans, so please visit from time to time. Hopefully this will reduce the frequency of emails to members too! Note that you can elect to “Follow” this blog by clicking the “Follow this blog via email” link; this will deliver the new posts to your inbox without having to regularly check the website. To ensure you stay up to date with what’s happening, we’d encourage you to follow us in this way.

Please consider joining WMG; your contributions directly support mammal survey and conservation across Wiltshire by funding surveys and training events. For more details, please see the Membership pages.

Regardless of whether or not you become a member, Wiltshire’s mammals need your help. Please get involved in recording and conserving mammals in Wiltshire. There are a variety of things you can do to help, ranging from surveys to helping to organise events. Please join in or contact us for more information.

All supporters are encouraged to submit mammal records. The Records page details how records may be submitted to us. We are encouraging members to use the Living Record online species recording system but there are other ways to submit records too, including the superb Mammal Tracker smartphone app.

Banner photos with thanks to our members